New at Busty Virtue vs. Unseen Forces
Superheroine Virtue has hit the big time. She rescued five people from a burning station wagon on the 405 freeway after a hideous traffic accident. Television news cameras recorded it all. The public clamored for more information about the elusive superheroine and, caught up in her 15 minutes of fame, Virtue was quick to comply. With the help of a newly hired publicist Virtue began touring the country and granting interviews to local TV news shows. One group of reporters even encouraged her to brush aside her flowing red cape and give them a better view of her posterior. Their cameras clicked away as she pandered to their requests. Soon the blonde superheroine began holding press conferences in the hotel rooms where she was staying during her nationwide tour. Her vanity knew no bounds and it was only a matter of time before the forces of fate intervened to put her hubris in check. Sure enough, Virtue was entertaining reporters at her Radisson hotel suite in Bend, Oregon when all of a sudden she felt fingers closing around her throat. The superheroine valiantly battled her unseen attacker to no avail. Horrified reporters thought she was losing her mind as she fell onto the bed trying to fend off the unseen demon as it shoved its fist into her crotch. Things only got worse for the conceited superheroine as the invisible force threw her around the room and beat her to within inches of her life..
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